Dental Myth #3

Dental Myth #3: Bad breath means bad brushing

Fact: Bad breath can be caused by several factors, only one of which is poor oral hygiene. The main culprit is the food you eat. A diet full of garlic and onions is going to give your breath a certain odour, no matter how much you brush and floss. Some illnesses can make your breath smelly too. So don’t be too quick to judge when that close-talking colleague offends with their bad smelling breath — it may not be their fault!

And how about your own oral odours? As long as you follow the dentist’s recommendation of brushing and flossing at least twice a day, and you visit your dentist at least twice each year for regular checkups, you can be pretty sure your bad breath is not a dental hygiene issue.

But if you’re still worried about bad breath ask your dentist about it. Your dentist can determine if any odours related to dental hygiene or if they’re caused by something else. Remember you dentist is a trained professional. They are here to make your mouth as healthy as possible. So make an appointment today and let us help you.