Dental Health Week 6-9 August 2018 – Wednesday
Wednesday is sugar day. Specifically less-sugar day. Just a spoonful of sugar is enough to rot your teeth. Bacteria in food that is high in sugar, and soft and sports drinks, can eat away at your teeth and cause tooth decay.
The mouth is full of hundreds of bacteria, many of which are beneficial to the oral ecosystem. However, certain harmful oral bacteria actually feed on the sugars you eat to create acids that destroy the tooth enamel, which is the shiny, protective outer layer of the tooth. Cavities are a bacterial infection created by acids which cause a hole. Without treatment, cavities can progress past the enamel and into the deeper layers of the tooth, causing pain and possible tooth loss.
Sugar can sneak into food where you wouldn’t expect it so it is always best to read the nutrition information. Documentary film maker Damon Gameau conducted the ultimate experiment about the effects of sugar on your body. “That sugar film” tracks the effects of sugar and the damage it can do.
One easy way to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet is to eliminate (or at least significantly reduce) the amount of sugar drinks you have. The ADA and the Heart Foundation have teamed up for the live lighter campaign. Our own Dr Jowitt featured in the ACT launch of the campaign. We recommend you drink water – it’s cheaper and better for you!
For more tips about your diet and your teeth chat to your dentist or hygienist next time you have your check up.
In the meantime read this useful post with tips of what to eat put out by the ADA
Take a moment this Dental Health Week 6-9 August 2018 to implement some simple changes into your routine. Reduce the amount of sugar you eat…your teeth will thank you.