Babies and their teeth

Babies and their teeth

Babies and their teeth Young children have 20 teeth by about the age of four. These teeth are all deciduous (they fall out). But that doesn’t mean that are not important. The habits that are created from the very beginning will set your child up for a life time of good oral hygiene. Teething Your...
Pregnancy and your teeth

Pregnancy and your teeth

Pregnancy and your teeth What an exciting time in your life. Also a very busy 9 months as you prepare for the arrival of your little one. One thing that may slip your mind is your teeth and oral health. Your dental health can have a significant impact on your overall health. This is true […]
Oral Piercings

Oral Piercings

Oral Piercings and your teeth Increasingly people are piercing different parts of their bodies. One place that is popular is the mouth. Piercings can be on tongues, lips and cheeks. While it is your decision about getting piercings, it is important to be fully informed about the pros and cons. Yo...
PANDSI Cake Off 2019

PANDSI Cake Off 2019

The PANDSI Cake Off 2019 event is at the Hyatt Hotel Canberra, Sunday 5th May This is the third year that Canberra Dental Care is getting behind the PANDSI Cake Off. We are so proud to be part of this event as it raises much needed funds for the PANDSI organisation. PANDSI is a support […]
Sports drinks and your teeth

Sports drinks and your teeth

Sports drinks and your teeth Fizzy drinks are well known to be full of sugar but sports and energy drinks are also hiding a dirty secret…. they are full of sugar too. To give you a comparison, a 600ml can of coca-cola contains 16 teaspoons of sugar, Gatorade contains 9 teaspoons and V Energy drin...
Foods that can stain your teeth

Foods that can stain your teeth

Foods that can stain your teeth Keeping your teeth healthy and white requires more than just the regular brushing, flossing and dental visits. Some foods can stain your teeth. This doesn’t mean you should stop eating or drinking them. But it does mean that some foods and drinks require some tho...
World Oral Health Day 2019

World Oral Health Day 2019

World Oral Health Day 2019 The primary message for this year is to ‘act on mouth health’. This means taking action to give yourself (and your family) the best mouth health you can. Oral diseases, such as tooth decay and gum disease, are widespread and preventable. Through proper self-care and re...
It’s a girl!

It’s a girl!

It’s a girl! Mohita gave birth to a baby girl on Thursday 14 March. Talk about cutting it fine! She finished work on Wednesday and was expecting to have a few weeks before her due date at the end of the month. But Raanya wasn’t waiting for anyone and arrived on her first day of […]...
Welcome Vivian!

Welcome Vivian!

Welcome Vivian! Vivian Nguyen has joined our Hygienist team. She will initially be covering for Mohita Oberoi while Mohita is on maternity leave. Vivian has a passion for oral health. After completing her Bachelor or Medical Science at the University of Canberra she headed to Wagga Wagga. There s...
Mohita is on Maternity Leave

Mohita is on Maternity Leave

Mohita is on maternity leave Today we fare-welled Mohita as she started maternity leave. But don’t worry, she’ll be back! We are so excited for Mohita and her husband as they embark on another chapter in their lives. We will make sure to let everyone know when the baby has arrived. In the meantim...