Women’s Health Week 7-11 September
About Women’s Health Week
Women’s Health Week is an annual health awareness campaign, held every September since 2013. The week encourages women, communities and workplaces to prioritise health. Too often women prioritise the health of other’s in their lives. This week we want to remind our patients that there is nothing selfish about looking after your own health.
The goal continues to be to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining good health and well being. Preventing future health problems for all women and girls in Australia is everyone’s responsibility.
We join with Women’s Heath Week to invite women to check in on their health. It has been a tough year, so this September it will be an even more important reminder for women to look after themselves and take positive action for their health and well being.
This can be a simple as going for a walk. Or, making an appointment with the dentist. Oral health is critical to your overall health. So while it sounds crazy to look after your heart by looking after you teeth…..it’s true!
Appointments can be made via our on line booking system or by phoning our reception staff.
You can read more about the week: www.womenshealthweek.com.au.
While Women’s Health Week 7-11 September is about building awareness – it’s true that every week is Women’s Health Week!