Farewell Lesley

Farewell Lesley

This week we have said goodbye to our hygienist Lesley.

Lesley has been with us for over 12 years and we are super sad to see her go. She has decided to hang up her dental tools for a career change into speech pathology.

We know that for many of our patients this will be a big change to their dental care plan. Over the last 12 years Lesley has built up a very loyal patient base. This can be attributed to her high skills as a dental hygienist. At Canberra Dental Care we could not be prouder to have had her as part of the team. And while we are sad to see her go, we are excited for her new chapter.

Our dentists and hygienists are available for appointments. Appointments are available via our on line booking site. Or by phoning our reception team during business hours.

Farewell Lesley